More than 970 dogs and cats were killed every day in 2021 in animal shelters across the country, simply because they didn’t have a safe place to call home.
Working together with shelters, rescue groups and passionate people like you, we can greatly reduce the number of animals killed in shelters and bring this country to no-kill by 2025.
Saving lives locally
Wondering how your own community is measuring up?
Check out our pet lifesaving dashboard, the new digital lifesaving tool that provides up-to-date and comprehensive data on how animal shelter and rescue groups are doing nationwide, including in your community.
Your local shelter is counting on your help. Now’s the time to get involved – and make a lifesaving difference.
Is your community no-kill?
Keep pets safe in loving homes
Individually, we can save a few. Working together, we can accomplish so much.
That’s why Best Friends is on the ground helping shelters around the country simplify adoption policies and requirements, build out community pet fostering programs, reach areas where low-cost spay/neuter services are most needed, advocate for more pet-inclusive housing, and more.
After all, we’re talking about our most loyal companions, and we will not let them down.
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