home energy efficiency upgrades



Joe and Buffy Gill live in California’s Coachella Valley, where temperatures in the summertime soar along with electricity bills. Before they moved into their current home, they used to pay up to $1,000 a month to run the air conditioning.

They’re not alone. With more frequent and extreme heat waves, many homeowners in California are facing higher energy bills.

To keep their new home cool in the summer and warm in the winter without sky-high electricity bills, the Gills decided to install energy-efficient windows. But they didn’t want to blow through their budget for other home renovations.

The solution was a program backed by the State of California called GoGreen Home. For both homeowners and renters, GoGreen Home gives Californians access to affordable financing through private lenders to help families upgrade their homes to be more energy-efficient. It offers zero fees, zero closing costs and some of the best rates available.

“Our savings in the summertime on our electric bill basically pays for our monthly financing costs,” Joe Gill said.

GoGreen Home financing can also be used to replace older, inefficient appliances like refrigerators or clothes dryers. These kinds of inefficient appliances can cost the typical homeowner more than $250 per year to operate, accounting for 12% of utility bills, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

What can be financed with GoGreen Home?

  • Appliances
  • Cool roofs
  • Heating & cooling systems
  • Insulation
  • Lighting
  • Pool pumps
  • Water heaters
  • Windows

What are the benefits of GoGreen Home?

  • No home equity needed
  • No lien on your property
  • Exceptional rates and terms
  • Affordable monthly payments
  • No closing costs
  • No origination fees
  • No prepayment penalties if you pay off your loan early
  • 100% financing — no down payment needed
  • Up to 30% of loan amount can go toward non-energy improvements
  • Available to borrowers with a wide range of credit scores and incomes
  • Broad list of energy efficiency projects to choose from
  • Reduce project cost with investor-owned utility rebates/incentives

“The fact that it’s backed by the State of California makes us feel much more secure,” Buffy Gill said. “We know we are getting our money’s worth and that the State of California wouldn’t be backing a program if it wasn’t worth its weight in gold.”

If you’re a homeowner or renter looking to cut energy expenses, apply for financing at GoGreenFinancing.com.

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