Solar Installation Check list
  1. Confirm Installation Schedule:

    • Contact the installation company to confirm the start date and estimated duration of the installation.
    • Verify if the installation team is on track and make any necessary adjustments if needed.
  2. Validate Brands and Components:

    • Inquire with the installation team about the brands and models of solar panels, inverters, and other components being used.
    • Cross-reference this information with your initial discussions and agreements.
  3. Maintain Communication with the Installation Team:

    • Stay in regular contact with the installation team to receive updates on the installation’s progress.
    • Address any questions, concerns, or changes that may arise during the installation process.
  4. Monitor Progress:

    • Monitor the installation’s progress either on-site or through remote monitoring systems, if available.
    • Ensure that the installation team adheres to the agreed-upon plans and specifications.
  5. Verify Proper Installation:

    • Confirm that the installation team is following proper installation procedures and safety protocols.
    • Verify the correct installation, secure mounting, and proper connection of all components.
  6. Capture Before Images:

    • Request before images of the installation site, roof, and surrounding areas from the installation team.
    • Document these images for your records to showcase the condition before installation.
  7. Coordinate Inspections:

    • Collaborate with the installation team to schedule necessary inspections and approvals from local authorities or utility companies.
    • Obtain all required permits and inspections to comply with regulations.
  8. Document Installation Details:

    • Keep a comprehensive record of the installed system’s specifications, including components used and any adjustments made.
    • Note any changes or modifications made during the installation process.
  9. Understand Warranties:

    • Discuss the warranties for solar panels, inverters, and components with the installation team.
    • Obtain copies of warranty certificates and familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions.
  10. Capture After Images:

  • Request after images of the installed solar panels and components from the installation team.
  • Retain these images as evidence of the completed installation and system’s condition.
  1. Finalize the Installation:
  • Conduct a final walkthrough with the installation team to inspect the finished installation.
  • Identify and address any visible issues, such as loose connections, damaged panels, or incomplete work.
  1. Gather Documentation:
  • Collect all relevant documents including permits, contracts, warranties, and invoices.
  • Organize and store these documents for future reference.
  1. Review the Final Invoice:
  • Carefully review the final invoice provided by the installation company.
  • Ensure that the charges align with the agreed terms and pricing, seeking clarification for any discrepancies.
  1. Receive Training and Handover:
  • Request training on monitoring and maintaining the solar system from the installation team.
  • Obtain necessary login information for online monitoring platforms and learn how to interpret performance data.
  1. Provide Feedback:
  • Share your feedback and experience with the installation company.
  • Offer constructive feedback for improvements and commendation for areas of excellence.

Remember to document and photograph any concerns during the installation process, and maintain all documentation, warranties, and images securely.

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