Tesla Value Proposition

Unleash Unmatched Energy Storage with the Tesla Powerwall 2

The Tesla Powerwall 2 is a game-changer in the world of residential and light commercial energy solutions. This fully integrated AC battery system empowers you with advanced features to ensure reliable, clean power for your property.

Unparalleled Energy Density for Your Home or Business

The Tesla Powerwall’s remarkable energy density makes it a market leader. Its intuitive electrical interface seamlessly connects to any home or building, ensuring that you can harness the full potential of clean energy without hassle. The Powerwall’s innovative compact design simplifies installation, enabling you to quickly enjoy the benefits of dependable power.

Trusted by the World: Strong Brand Recognition

Tesla’s reputation for innovation and excellence is unparalleled. When you choose the Powerwall, you’re choosing a product backed by a brand renowned for pushing the boundaries of technology and sustainability.

13.5kWh of Power, Day and Night

With the Tesla Powerwall, you can store a substantial 13.5kWh of energy. This ample energy storage allows you to power your home with solar energy even during the night, ensuring uninterrupted electricity supply. Additionally, it serves as a reliable backup system in the event of a power outage, providing peace of mind.

Instant Grid Outage Detection for Swift Action

The Powerwall is equipped with advanced technology that enables it to instantly detect a grid outage. In the blink of an eye, it disconnects your home from the grid and seamlessly restores power, ensuring that you never have to endure extended outages.

Elevate your energy solutions with the Tesla Powerwall 2 and experience a new era of clean, efficient, and resilient power for your home or business.


A Comprehensive Guide to Selecting the Right Battery Size for Your Home

Choosing the appropriate battery size for your home is a critical decision that hinges on a multitude of factors. The process entails considering not only your energy consumption but also the size of your residence, the appliances in use, as well as your personal objectives and budget constraints. Below, we delve into the intricacies of each step to guide you through the sizing and design process for your ideal energy storage solution.

Step 1: Determining Energy Needs

The initial and pivotal step in sizing your battery involves a meticulous assessment of your energy needs. This is typically accomplished by calculating the average daily energy usage in kilowatt-hours (kWh) based on the utility bills you’ve collected from the customer. This data provides the foundational understanding necessary for selecting an appropriately sized battery.

Step 2: Identifying Energy Goals

The next critical aspect of battery sizing is to align the system with your specific energy objectives. Depending on your intentions, you may be seeking a battery solution tailored for self-consumption or backup power for your entire home or just a portion of it. Different goals necessitate different battery sizes. For example, the Powur Saver plan for self-consumption generally requires a single 10 kWh battery, while the more extensive Powur House options may demand storage capacities ranging from 20 kWh to 40 kWh.

Step 3: Determining Battery Capacity

Once you have a clear picture of your energy needs and goals, the next step is to determine the appropriate battery capacity. This is where the rubber meets the road. Your battery capacity should be carefully selected to provide a sufficient reservoir of energy to meet your needs. Generally, it is recommended to size your battery to store enough energy for 1-2 days of consumption. The exact quantity will depend on whether your primary objective is self-consumption or backup storage. This pivotal step ensures that you have an adequate buffer to cater to your energy requirements, even during adverse conditions.

What is Power Stacking and Energy Stacking?

Power Stacking for Solar Empowerment

Power Stacking, a game-changing approach, empowers your solar system by adding more inverters. This not only boosts power output but also allows for higher storage system discharge rates, ensuring a more reliable and efficient energy supply.

Energy Stacking for Storage Supremacy

With Energy Stacking, you can supercharge your energy storage capacity by integrating multiple batteries into a single inverter. This means extended energy autonomy and the ability to store surplus power for future needs. Unleash the potential of Energy Stacking for enhanced energy storage.

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