Five types of Solar Installers in The San Fernando Valley Area

There used to be three types of solar installers, but over a few years, there have been five types. The inexpensive guys avoid, the expensive guys avoid, and the ones in the middle go for them!

But, since the solar market has matured, we will discuss the five types of solar installers.

The first type of solar installer offers the cheapest systems on the market. If you buy the most inexpensive of anything, you’ll most likely regret it in the long run.

They will likely use poor-quality hardware, solar panels, and inverters! Many, but not all, will rush the installation and use third-party installers, my advice, I would avoid them. The second type of installer is what I call the budget guy. They are cheap, but also pretty good.

They’re not usually the least expensive, but they are a good value for homeowners. And how do they do that? They have an efficient system. They buy in bulk, but they still buy good quality brand-name equipment. And they install very efficiently.

You’ll get a sound system at a reasonable price. But don’t expect them to hold your hand and come back whenever you have questions about your system. And don’t expect a huge variety of hardware, don’t expect it to be customized. You’ll most likely get a six-point six-kilowatt system on your roof very efficiently. So if you’re price-conscious and like a good bargain, then work with these installers, and you can end up with a good system on your roof.

Side note: Do your research, as I did. Don’t just assume because they have many years in the industry, a reputable name brand, or five-star Google ratings, they’re the best choice.

It’s a considerable investment, so investigate on your own—research links such as the Better Business Bureau and Department of Consumer Affairs Contractors State License Board.

Let’s now return to our topic.

Now we will discuss the third type of solar installers. These are the ones you want to reach out to. These are the ones that I recommend and work alongside. They’ll give you a really good value on your system, but they won’t be the cheapest! You’ll end up paying a bit more than the cheap installers.

They usually have low overhead because they’re generally local; they’ve been in the industry for a long time. They get a good deal on their hardware, but they will take the time to discuss it at your home. If you have problems or questions, they have the time and the money to come back and talk to you.

 Because of their low overhead, because they are local, and they don’t spend lots of money on marketing, you’ll get suitable hardware at a reasonable price, not the cheapest. Still, a fair price that you should both be happy. These are what I call the middle-of-the-range installers.

The fourth type of solar installer is the craftsman in the industry. These people love solar and have usually been in the industry for a long time. They generally only install very high quality but expensive. They are excellent and costly, but they do a very good job and take their time with the installation. They’re craftsmen in their field.

The aesthetics are critical if you don’t mind spending more on a beautiful system or have a complex or unusual installation! They are the ones to go to, you will pay more, but you won’t get ripped off.

We’re finally down to the fifth type of solar installer! These are the ones that give the industry a bad name! They sometimes install poor-quality panels and components; sometimes, they install really good systems.

But the common issue is they’re very expensive. 

You usually see stories in the News where systems should have cost ten to fourteen thousand, but they charge twenty to thirty thousand or more.

This usually happens because homeowners don’t take the time to get multiple quotes! Also, these are most likely the doorknockers, and they have the budget to employ excellent salespeople who are brilliant at getting you to sign a contract.

 What it all comes down to is research. I’ve done most of it, and it’s as you can see, if you’re a homeowner in the San Fernando Valley area, reach out to me. I’ve vetted the top solar companies in the area and can offer you reasonable quotes from three great solar companies in the Valley!  



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